Hi everyone! Sorry about the delay to get this posted. I arrived in Scotland on September 10th, so this is my third full day here. The few days before getting here were a little crazy.
On Thursday (I was expecting to leave for Scotland on Saturday, so only days before leaving) I had still not received my Indian visa, so we decided to take a trip to DC, we being me and my mom. We spoke with the embassy and the company that helps process your visa application with no luck. It was then decided that I could not wait to hopefully get my visa, and that I would have to withdraw my application in order to get my passport back so I could fly to Scotland. So, on Friday my mom took another trip with me to DC to pick up my passport. Shout out to Mom for driving to DC with me twice! She's great. Love her. Anyway, after much prayer and nervousness I got my passport back in time to fly to Scotland the next day.
This means I will not be going to India during this program like I planned, but these were obviously my plans and not God's. It was so clear that all the doors were being shut to go to India and that God just did not have that in his plan for me. I am feeling so much peace about this. After all the stress and worries about getting a visa for India the past month, I finally feel like I am now on track to find out where God wants me and will use me. I know that where ever I end up will be exactly where God wanted me all along and that all of the stress and obstacles I went through this past month happened for a reason! God is so good, and I know that he will use all of this to better his kingdom!
Now, about Scotland. I am spending four weeks studying at a college called Tilsley. So far I am getting more and more excited for the courses I will get to participate in and the ministries I get to be a part of in the community. It is all a bit overwhelming though, to be honest. My first time experiencing jet lag was not easy, and I found the first few days really tiring, but I am so excited to see what I learn through these courses and from the many other amazing people here!
Prayer requests are just that I continue to trust that God has everything under control here and that I eventually will be where I was suppose to be all along when I go overseas. Also, prayer that I can recognize his guidance and remain at peace with everything.
Thank you for reading! I love you all! Please message me or talk to me! If you'd like to send me mail, let me know and I will give you my mailing address!
If you'd like to support me beyond prayer, you can click here!
"Trust in the Lord your God and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6